Beyond boundaries / Into modern sound
No expression could describe MeQ better than the above. MeQ (modern-e-quartet) are precisely what their name implies. The word “quartet” captures the thorough and extensive relationship the band members have with classical music. Meanwhile “modern” reveals their unfettered view to the future. Electronic roars and distorted (but also lyrical) vocals blend with underground melodies and sophisticated compositions. The result is a peculiar mixture which will satisfy not only electronic music fans but a wider spectrum of electric sound fans because of the tension and the energy which the compositions emit. MeQ and their sound have developed and grown in popularity since 2000. Influenced by the community, culture, and sounds of their hometown, they perform music that speaks to fans across the musical spectrum. Their signature style has become synonymous with a diverse collection of melodies and compositions. This Band is on the rise, and nothing can stop them from achieving the success they work so hard for.